The Bikini Division is a women’s physique division designed to find athletes with a fit
and shapely body that is not heavily muscled or over defined.
A traditional two-piece bikini posing suit is worn and may be multi-colored or solid, and embellishments and jewelry is permitted. Shoes are required but height of heels is optional.
Bikini divisions are height based and split according to athlete numbers keeping events competitive but fair.
Competition Bikini Suits
“Micro Pro”, “Scoop”, or other suits with minimal glute coverage are not allowed.
“Pro Cut” or “Brazilian” cut or suits that provide more coverage are preferred.
Athletes are judged in two (2) rounds, please scroll below for more details.
Below are some general stage walk guidelines for physique athletes. Many venues vary in accessibility so athletes should reach out to perspective promoters about stage walk specifics so that you can prepare properly.

Above classes may be split based on the athlete's height into different classes. The height classes might be as follows;
158CM-, 158cm-166cm, 166CM+
The height/weight class numbers are displayed for reference purposes, we will change/adjust according to the average height/weight of the competitors who have signed up.
* smaller divisions like teens, juniors, masters, might have fewer classes as the number of contestants are fewer.
Bikini is a “softer” and lighter muscled look than our other competitive classes with an emphasis on a fit, tight toned physique, especially in the legs and glutes
Bikini competition suits competitors who appear trained and athletic, but without muscular detail, separation and vascularity and whose level of muscle size is lower than those which would be rewarded in the Figure or Fit Body disciplines
The two rounds judged are: